

39 items

Hisense Showroom Tanzania

–18% On sale!

Hisense 65" Interactive Display Board + Camera | HIDB | Android | UHD 4K | 65MR6DE

TZS 7,800,000.00 TZS 9,500,000.00

Hisense Interactive Display Board (HIDB) solutions offer outstanding performance and great value. They combine the features of a digital display, a tablet, an electronic whiteboard, and a video con...

Hisense Showroom Tanzania

–21% On sale!

Hisense 75" Interactive Display Board + Camera | HIDB | Android | UHD 4K | 75MR6DE

TZS 9,500,000.00 TZS 12,000,000.00

Hisense Interactive Display Board (HIDB) solutions offer outstanding performance and great value. They combine the features of a digital display, a tablet, an electronic whiteboard, and a video con...

Hisense Showroom Tanzania

–18% On sale!

Hisense 86" Interactive Display Board + Camera | HIDB | Android | UHD 4K | 86MR6DE

TZS 11,500,000.00 TZS 14,000,000.00

Hisense Interactive Display solutions offer outstanding performance and great value. They combine the features of a digital display, a tablet, an electronic whiteboard, and a video conferencing dev...